What Obama and Big Labor Bosses Have in Common!

Mitt Romney’s choice of Paul Ryan as his Vice-Presidential nominee will surely serve to fortify his campaign, solidify his base and increase his chances of winning the Presidential Election in November.  However, he is destined to repeat history and find himself defeated if he insists on continuing to run a “nice guy” campaign similar to John McCain’s 2008 debacle.

Like his Big Labor buddies, Obama will continue to run a “Death by a Thousand Cutscampaign, designed to vilify, psychologically intimidate and financially ruin Romney and his supporters (see So It Begins: Obama Lies, Claims Romney-Ryan Will Raise Your Taxes). Obama, like the Big Labor Gasping Dinosaurs,” has no record to run on or viable product/program to sell.Rather he is forced to resort to demonization and destruction of the opponent through defamation, distortion, intimidation, misinformation, propaganda and exploitation of the naïve and easily influenced, much the same as his Big Labor allies utilize during their “Corporate Campaigns” to force unionize targeted employees. Obama and his Big Labor buddies have no other choice as they lack the character, honesty, integrity and skill set to survive, let alone win, in a free market economy and open society.


If the 2012 Presidential Election was a basketball game, the President would have fouled out long ago, since the game has referees. Unfortunately, in the political arena there are no referees, only the rules of sportsmanship and gentlemanly competition. The President, having been trained by Big Labor during his days as a “Community Organizer,” has learned well that when you can’t win using the rules in place, you must change those rules.  Much like Big Labor, who looks to set aside over seventy years of labor law by forcing through Card Check to eliminate the secret ballot election because they have failed to convince the American workers that they offer anything of value, the President understands that he must fundamentally change the complexion of the campaign and utilize similar tactics to “change the rules” in order to win. These tactics are learned from President Obama’s associations with the SEIU (see Obama and the SEIU Sittin in a Tree) and other Big Labor buddies, as well as from past associations with Saul Alinsky disciples Bill Ayers, Rev. Wright and others. The question “Is Obama Just or Unjust” is immaterial as, much like the integrity of Big Labor, it has already been answered time and again. What is important is that the Romney campaign realizes the President is not a gentleman and that his agenda, his associations, tactics, inexperience, record and lack of character must be exposed, albeit professionally. The Romney campaign must also accentuate that it is the President’s beliefs, his disrespect for American values, and socialistic agenda that are the problem – not racial inequality, class warfare, gender warfare or age warfare, which will most assuredly be prominent tactics pushed by the Obama attack machine.The ace in the hole for Romney, much as it was for EMS against the SEIU as chronicled in The Devil at Our Doorstep, is to go on the offensive and place the Obama campaign on the defensive. Democrats fear the potential approach of unleashing Paul Ryan (see Hitler Finds Out Paul Ryan is the VP Pick), as witnessed by the fact they wasted no time in attacking him (see Democrats Claim, The Go Back Team).


Romney and his campaign must understand that this is an election of perception, not substance. Yes, Romney needs to succinctly lay out his agenda, but at the same time he must counter Obama’s attacks at every turn, showing the untruth’s behind each disingenuous attack.Obama, like his Big Labor buddies, cannot attack or debate on substance but only on ideology. Romney must professionally confront every piece of propaganda and misinformation (see Vetting Obama’s Political Tactics) until the Obama campaign no longer has any talking points and is relegated to crawling back under its rock.He must expose Obama’s associations and beliefs, which demonstrate that He is what he despises! They must accentuate the fact that America Needs an Effective Leader, Not a Politician (which is Obama’s only strength), that Obama chooses to Rule by Fiat instead of following the U.S. Constitution, that he places Political Aspirations & Payback Ahead of American Jobs, and thatAmerica on the Precipice” is a reality because Obama’s socialistic agenda and big spending have placed the United States almost 16 Trillion dollars in debt!


Romney needs to understand American Exceptionalism is at stake, and that the remainder of the 2012 Obama campaign will mirror Big Labor’s Scorched Earth Campaign in Ohio in 2011! Even outsiders understand that Obama, the Puppet or Puppeteer, is leading this great nation toward disaster, as witnessed by this statement from a Canadian friend:

“…Keep watching to see if the GOP is going to question how BHO was able to attend schooling the U.S.A. using a loan that is only available to foreign students???  He must have had a foreign passport to qualify.  If so it was very likely issued by the UK because of that country’s association with Kenya that it once ruled (and thus BHO was born there.) And, when he visited Pakistan what passport did he use? Any good spin doctor could make good use of these questions and I assume that the GOP has it share of them. So far it has only been Mitt who has been on the defensive against the Chicago gutter-style of politics.  It’s time to take a page from the Dems book and go on the offensive. Yes it is time to go on the offensive.”

Yes, it is time for the Romney campaign to go on the offensive and learn the Lessons from the Wisconsin Recall and Governor Scott Walker. Governor Walker understood the task at hand and the fact that, much like Ralphie did to the bully in the movie “The Christmas Story,”when you punch the bully in the nose you get their attention and put them on the defensive. Obama has nothing to sell or run on except misinformation and intimidation.

As the old saying goes “the best defense is a great offense.”  Go get ’em Mitt!


Filed under Devil At My Doorstep Book

3 responses to “What Obama and Big Labor Bosses Have in Common!

  1. That is so true. We have very little time left before elections to strategize and unite our effots and resources to knock out SEIU in California, the Lyon’s DEN.

  2. Pingback: Typical Big Labor Selfishness Condoned by Commander in Chief! | Devil At My Doorstep's Blog

  3. Pingback: President Obama’s Ego Continues to Trample American Freedoms | The Devil At Our Doorstep's Blog

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