Big Labor’s Election Intimidation Factor

The attachments to this blog truly speak for themselves! They have been received from people around the country, including both union and non-union employees, who are outraged by Big Labor’s Gasping Dinosaurs attempts to steal the election for its last hope of survival, President Obama.

Keep in mind as you review these materials that if an employer utilized similar tactics towards their employees, as those used by the labor unions, the employer would be crucified by the mainstream media! Have you heard or read about any of these tactics by Big Labor in the mainstream media?

Most likely not! There are two potential reasons for this.  Either they are philosophically in sync with Big Labor, or they are terrified Big Labor will attempt to eliminate the media outlet’s revenue source: its advertisers!

The following is a sad commentary on what a certain group of people are willing to perpetrate on other people to achieve their objectives and survive! All names have been removed to protect the innocent.


You asked me to write a summary of my experience with the Union Representative I spoke to Wednesday, Oct. 3 or Thursday, Oct. 4 in the atrium of the 1515 S Street building.

Entering the atrium I noticed several Union staff at tables talking to people, I asked one what was going on and she told me they were there to encourage members to vote NO on 32 and Yes on 30, we don’t want what happened in Wisconsin to happen here. To my right were probably 8 large covered aluminum pans, after inquiring as to what they were for and what was inside, I was told I could have a burrito IF I filled out a card saying I would vote NO on 32 and YES on 30.  Because I wanted to see how this played out, I asked for a card. After been given the card, she actually pointed to each of three line items, telling me to check each box, which stated how I would vote.  The card asked for my name, address, email and phone number. At the very bottom of the card it asked for my birth date.  I asked why they needed my birth date and she told me it was to verify my voting.  I was shocked. “Verify my voting on what?”, I asked. We need to verify you are the person written on the card if we cannot read your writing, the birth dates help do that. (This card requested our signature and our printed name.)

During this process I mentioned how I didn’t want my dues to go towards any campaign funding. She said something about a specific clause preventing that from happening; I told her I checked the box at the bottom of the membership card notifying the Union of my request not to use my dues for political funds. She told me they weren’t.  I ask, “When the Union tells its members they spent over 450 million dollars on election campaigns during a previous election, I find it hard to believe they didn’t use my dues, especially when they cannot produce a printout of names of members who do not what their dues used for this purpose.”  She strongly reiterated how they are not using my dues for campaign funding IF I checked the box on the card.

I wanted to experience first hand how they handled the signature/promise to vote NO and YES pledge card issue, I felt like they were bribing members to solicit votes in their favor. As a member, I bought that burrito, no matter how I choose to vote.  Otherwise, don’t bring the burritos at all.

And, furthermore, I do not believe my dues are exempt from political campaign funding. There is not enough transparency of our Union budget, it should be on the SEIU website, or a printout made available for members or the public to view anytime at the main office.

Thank you,

SSA, member SEIU 1000

Click on this link to watch the video: SEIU’s Forced Volunteerism EXPOSED!


With election-day less than three weeks away, I am continually in awe of the energy and passion SEIU members are contributing to this year’s election.

To acknowledge our members’ hard work, a special guest from the Obama team has asked to personally thank our incredible SEIU member volunteers.

Haven’t volunteered yet? You still have the opportunity to get involved!

Volunteer to canvass with other SEIU Member Leaders.


Donate $10 today, to SEIU’s election effort.

The stakes have never been higher, nor the differences more stark. Since June, SEIU members have knocked on over 1.7 million doors in key battleground states. But we still need to knock on 500,000 more doors in critical states to win at every level of the ballot.

This work will make the difference between whether we re-elect President Obama, who fights for working families, or end up with Mitt Romney, who wants to continue the status quo of corporate greed and income inequality.

Two things will pave the way to our victory 1) member contributions to SEIU COPE, our political fund, and 2) members volunteering their time to talk to voters.

Join me and our special guest on Tuesday October 23rd, at 8:15pm EST/ 5:15pm PST, for our Tele Townhall.

Thank you again for all of your hard work and commitment, let’s finish the job and bring home a victory for our families and communities.

Mary Kay Henry
President, Service Employees International Union

Follow the links below to learn more:

View the story “Oct. 20th National Day of Action” on Storify

What Romney Didn’t Say During the Last Debate

Can you commit to call or knock on doors for a few hours on Oct. 20? Click here to sign up.

These are just a few of the many received. Do these tactics seem appropriate to you? These actions have been condoned by our President, who was initially trained by Big Labor (see Obama and the SEIU, Sittin’ in a Tree). If you do not agree with these tactics, please vote for Romney and conservatives alike to restore civility to America!


Filed under Devil At My Doorstep Book

3 responses to “Big Labor’s Election Intimidation Factor

  1. Pingback: Typical Big Labor Selfishness Condoned by Commander in Chief! | Devil At My Doorstep's Blog

  2. Pingback: Romney and GOP Steamrolled by Big Labor Corporate Campaign | Devil At My Doorstep's Blog

  3. Pingback: Romney and GOP Steamrolled by Big Labor Corporate Campaign | Sinclair News.Net

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