Breaking News: The Ambush is Upon Us

On March 31, 2015, President Obama vetoed the Congressional Bill that would have reversed the Rogue NLRB’s Ambush Election Rule.

Unbelievably, and likely in support of unions, this was not reported on national media yesterday. This could create havoc for businesses, who will be unprepared for the mass onslaught of unionization when this rule goes into effect on April 14, 2015. Businesses need to prepare now! You can be sure that unions are already staking out non-union businesses and employees across the nation. When the clock strikes midnight on April 14, 2015, you can expect to see mass union election petitions all across the country!

This information was confirmed by the Labor Legislative Aid to a prominent Member of Congress in the following statement:

President Obama vetoed S.J.Res. 8 this morning.  Considering that the measure originally passed on party lines, it is highly unlikely that Congress will have the votes to override the President’s veto.

This is an urgent request that all Americans call their  Senate Representatives and demand they override the veto! Democrats and Republicans alike must work to fight the Ambush Election Rule in order to save employees across the country from threats, intimidation, and ultimately forced unionization!

The blog below further explains the detrimental effects that this ruling will have on American businesses and employees!

The following is a previously published blog, in which I encouraged the Republican Party to take action against the Rogue NLRB and its “Ambush Election” rule making, stating: “It is Time for Republicans to Go On the Offensive, expose this President’s Divide and Conquer agenda and The Taking of American Freedoms.” I am happy to report that they listened to this advice!

The U.S. Senate HELP Committee recently contacted me about my experience with labor elections and my insight about how this ruling would harm businesses and employees across the country. This week, the points expressed in my original blog and documented in The Devil at Our Doorstep will be debated and voted upon, as reported in recent headlines “Republican-Controlled Congress to Vote to Repeal NLRB Rule.” Additionally, in a show of support the US Chamber Asks Judge To Nix NLRB’s Election Rule. Hopefully, Senate Democrats will stand behind movement, recognize the injustice, and provide enough votes to override an expected Presidential veto.
Please read below and consider contacting your Congressional Representatives and encourage them to repeal this onerous rule making by the Rogue NLRB.

Employees and employers across the country need to be wary of the forced union ambush being promulgated by President Obama and his big labor “Gasping Dinosaurs” and the radicals the President has appointed at the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). The President is utilizing Rule by Fiat to fundamentally transform America as he promised when he was first elected, while also paying back his political supporters. His motives are blatantly evident as seen by his recent actions following the November elections to provide amnesty for illegal aliens (to eliminate racial injustice) and now through his radical pro-union appointees to the NLRB pushing quickly for a “card check” style system (see Card Check through Regulation vs. Legislation and Reprise: DREAM Act, the Truth behind the Nightmare), Racism is “Deeply Rooted” in U.S. Society and SEIU Calls for review of Police Policies in Local Communities and Senate Dems Confirm NLRB Nominee before GOP Take Over.

NLRB Flexes Muscles” was definitely the theme this past week as the NLRB published its final rule making on “ambush elections,” and effectively reduced election periods from 41 to 21 days or potentially less (see Ambush, NLRB boosts unions’ organizing leverage, Elections, NLRB Issues its Ambush Election Rule, NLRB Representation Case Procedures Fact Sheet, Quickie Gifts to Big Labor, and NAM CEO Speaks Out ON NLRB Ruling). Even more damaging to both employees’ and employers’ rights and privacy is the fact that, in its rule making, the NLRB stated that employers must provide the names, e-mail addresses, home addresses and phone numbers of its employees to facilitate the “Quickie Elections“. As described in The Devil at Our Doorstep, the current 41 day pre-election period is necessary, as employees are often coerced, intimidated and lied to by the organizers representing the labor unions. Often they are misled to believe that once they sign a union election card they must vote for the union when they go to the polls! While absolutely false, such conduct has been well established by the NLRB to be completely acceptable.

Unless the employer’s management team is well-versed on labor law and well-prepared to contradict these misrepresentations, their employees would never know the truth. The Quickie Elections rule making makes it virtually impossible for an employer to have the opportunity to refute the union’s misinformation and propaganda, particularly if the employer has not been faced with such organizing efforts in the past. In my own experience, if I would not have had the opportunity to meet and speak with our employees on several occasions — which would not be possible under the new ruling — they would have gone to the polls believing they had to vote for the union, despite the fact they had been intimidated into signing election cards.

As if that wasn’t enough, the NLRB boosts unions’ organizing leverage by allowing employees and union organizers access to employers e-mail systems so they can coerce, misinform, intimidate and misrepresent the truth about what is transpiring, and ignore big labor’s true goal, that It’s All About the Dues Money. In effect, what is happening is a rapid move towards “Card Check,” effectively allowing a union to force unionize an employer’s workforce behind the scenes virtually overnight.

These Quickie Gifts to Big Labor by the NLRB are A Death Penalty for Employees and Employers! They provide labor organizers great leverage to force employers to sign a Neutrality Agreement. This agreement is big labor’s current means of eliminating the secret ballot election by utilizing Death by a Thousand Cuts corporate campaigns to intimidate employers into signing it and achieving Card Check.

These actions are nothing more than political pay back by this Administration to the big labor bosses at the expense of the American people and the American economy. It is Time to Defund the Rogue NLRB and Congress Must Rein in the NLRB commentary. It is Time for Republicans to Go On the Offensive, expose this President’s Divide and Conquer agenda and The Taking of American Freedoms. It is truly time for all Americans to find intestinal fortitude and stand up and punch the bullies in the nose to Restore America’s Prosperity before all is lost! Beware the ambush, America, We are at War! Armageddon is at Hand! Please Wake Up!


Filed under Devil At My Doorstep Book