The Amnesty Debacle

In recent days, President Obama has threatened that he will utilize an Executive Order to pass immigration reform and, in so doing, provide amnesty to thousands of illegal immigrants (see Obama to Announce Immigration Executive Actions Friday). This ploy, which is done for no other purpose than to secure votes for the Democratic Party, is in fact an illegal amnesty and violates the U.S. Constitution and separation of powers (see Amnesty Designed to Help Democrats Win Elections at the Expense of the American People and An Illegal Amnesty).

Unfortunately, the Republican Party is not devoid of guilt in this matter as seen in The Senate Immigration Law Hurts All Americans. It appears neither side understands this is not truly not a debate about politics or social justice, but rather a debacle for legal American citizens. The two sides are playing a game of chess to court the vote of the Hispanic community. In the meantime, they are encouraging illegal action, such as the use of undocumented workers by businesses (see Push to Protect Farm Workers). This is done solely for the purpose of winning future elections, and is done at the expense of the legal American worker and companies who do business with integrity! — And where are the American labor unions now, when they could utilize their organizing abilities and political influence to actually protect their membership and do what is right for America? If either side truly cared and had a backbone, they would come together to close the southern border to protect the American people from terrorists as described in Ebola Strategy Revealed, protect American jobs and reduce the immense strain on Federal, State and Local budgets.


President Obama has made the statement in interviews that no one with a criminal background should be allowed to vote and that illegal immigration hurts workers (see Obama Says Illegal Immigration HURTS ‘Blue-Collar Americans,’ STRAINS Welfare). Apparently, he has conveniently forgotten that people who have crossed the border illegally are criminals that depress American wages. By that reasoning, these persons should have no right to vote and should not be taking American jobs and depressing wages. It is the typical “do as I say, not as I do” hypocrisy that has been used by the President throughout his time in office to support his positions. In Right to Vote Hypocrisy, I discussed that signing up illegal citizens to vote in state and federal elections is perfectly fine in the eyes of the President and big labor bosses, but it is unfair to allow employees of businesses to vote for union representation in a secret ballot election.

Politics aside, the most immediate problem is the fact that Open Borders are Costing American Jobs and Depressing Wages. The continued Misclassification of Workers by companies who refuse to obey our laws and prey upon undocumented workers creates an Under Ground Economy that results in stagnant economic growth, high unemployment (or high under-employment in the form of more part time jobs rather than full time jobs), and a reduction in wage growth. Stories are rampant across the country about companies who do business legitimately and with integrity that are losing business to companies who hire illegals and pay them under the table. This creates The Shadow Economy that an honest business can only compete against by reducing wages, hours and benefits. This situation is accentuated by Obamacare (see Buyers Remorse Over Obamacare) and its high costs which force businesses to move towards part-time employees in order to remain competitive.

It is time for all Americans to wake up and demand that politicians on both sides of the aisle stand up to President Obama’s Rule by Fiat mentality. It is time to realize the hypocritical stance this President takes in his endeavor to fulfill his agenda of converting America to socialism. It is apparent from the current state of the American economy, high budget deficits, high welfare/entitlement rolls, high unemployment/under employment, nationalized education and the cornerstone of control – nationalized healthcare, that the President’s O-Cloward-Piven Strategy Is Working. The Republican Party, with its new majority, must begin Vetting Obama’s Political Tactics and realize He Is What He Despises. It is time they understand Most Voters Still Veto Obama’s Immigration Plan, and go on the offensive to defeat the President’s amnesty debacle and incorporate the strategies embodied in Restoring America’s Prosperity!

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