Communism at the Highest Levels?

I have repeatedly addressed the attacks being perpetrated upon this country by a government that appears intent on overwhelming the system through “death by a thousand cuts,”  the same method utilized by the SEIU in corporate campaigns, as described in The Devil at My Doorstep  and on Devil at My Doorstep Blog.

Last week Morris Dunlap, a friend, forwarded an article that is the focus of today’s blog. The writer of the article utilized photographs, video and narrative to weave a compelling link between the SEIU, communists and leadership in Washington D.C. I felt I could do nothing more than to let his words tell the story, and to add a few additional supporting links. I sincerely hope you will read these words carefully and connect the dots with what has recently been advanced by the NLRB and the NLRB’s connections to the White House. The NLRB’s recent actions can be reviewed in last week’s blog Sleight of Hand from the Rogue NLRB, and in previous blogs such as Americans: Beware of Rogue NLRB , SEIU’s “Persuasion of Power”, America, We are at War! Armageddon is at Hand! Please Wake up!, Uninvited Interlopers?, SEIU and Its Corporate Campaigns, Card Check through Regulation vs. Legislation Actions Speak Louder than Words! and EFCA through the Backdoor and In Egypt’s Shadow!

It is apparent that America is on a slippery slope downward, with some of its leading officials being supported and directed by groups (see Puppet or Puppeteer?) who believe America is inherently bad! These are people who truly believe the free market system/capitalism needs to be destroyed and replaced by socialism and/or communism as is blatantly displayed in the article SEIU Drops Mask, Goes Full Commie. The SEIU, which straddles both the private and public sector, along with most other unions, are desperate Gasping Dinosaurs. They utilize social justice, class warfare, misinformation, propaganda and political favors/contributions to preserve the lifestyle of big labor bosses at the expense of the union members!

The writer’s assessment paints a bleak picture of our future if Americans do not wake up. Please read the article carefully, watch the attached video, view the pictures and then draw your own conclusions. While reading, you may ask yourself, “Is the Land of Opportunity Vanishing?” Believe me, this is real. I have lived it!

SEIU Drops Mask, Goes Full Commie


Filed under Devil At My Doorstep Book

28 responses to “Communism at the Highest Levels?

  1. Pingback: The Cold War Within: The Fight for America’s Future | Devil At My Doorstep's Blog

  2. Pingback: Is Obamacare Redistributing Wealth to Big Labor? | Devil At My Doorstep's Blog

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  5. Pingback: Is Obamacare Redistributing Wealth to Big Labor? | Freedom Report

  6. Pingback: Is Obamacare Redistributing Wealth to Big Labor? « News « @griffinrc

  7. Pingback: Is Obamacare Redistributing Wealth to Big Labor? | Freedom Report | The Real Unemployment Statistics

  8. Pingback: Is Obamacare Redistributing Wealth to Big Labor? - The Place for Resources on Gold. - Exchange Gold for Cash

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  11. Pingback: Is Obamacare Redistributing Wealth to Big Labor? - ALIPAC

  12. Pingback: Is Obamacare Redistributing Wealth to Big Labor? | Bid Government – Resources and Bidding Information

  13. Pingback: Is Obamacare Redistributing Wealth to Big Labor? | Freedom Report … | The Real Unemployment Statistics

  14. Carlo

    Scarey. It is what we have all been saying since day one. The trick is explaining this to an American public that just isn’t paying attention. This is falling on deaf ears and I am afraid that people don’t care.

  15. Pingback: Is Obamacare Redistributing Wealth to Big Labor? « Neil Esquibel's Blahg

  16. Pingback: American Values Headed for Demise, Who is at the Wheel? | Devil At My Doorstep's Blog

  17. Pingback: Book: Extent of Obama Admin-SEIU Relationship Revealed yet Again, along with Communism at the Highest Levels of U.S. Gov.! « What's Right News Blog

  18. Pingback: Time to Connect the Dots | Devil At My Doorstep's Blog

  19. Pingback: Same Old SEIU, Same Tired Attacks | The Devil At Our Doorstep's Blog

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  22. Pingback: SEIU’s Hair on Fire? | The Devil At Our Doorstep's Blog

  23. Pingback: Common Core, It’s All About Control | US Daily Review

  24. Pingback: Wake-Up and Connect the Dots… Obama Wants Us to Sign a Neutrality Agreement! | The Devil At Our Doorstep's Blog

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