Unholy Alliance?

On Saturday, September 18th, Andrew Breitbart faced a situation similar to that endured by EMS for over three years during the SEIU’s corporate campaign to force unionization on its employees (See Andrew Breitbart Forces President Obama’s Protesters to Fold Up Shop).

He and Glenn Beck faced an unruly crowd chanting “Hey, Ho, Breitbart and Beck Must Go,” a scene that my employees and I faced constantly during the ordeal. The chant then was “Dave Bego and EMS must go!” From an originality perspective, the SEIU has not progressed much in the five years since the campaign against EMS!

Mr. Breitbart responded in much the same manner as did EMS, challenging the crowd to explain what they were supporting and why they were angry. In The Devil at My Doorstep there is a story about one such challenge. By engaging the protestors, it was found that they had been hired from the local Wheeler Mission as day laborers for cash. Obviously, they were not union members! Mr. Breitbart clearly discovered the same.  A recent video produced by a reporter for MSNBC’s Daily Show accurately portrays what is occurring across America on a regular basis! In it, the reporter interviewers picketers at a Wal-Mart in Utah, and then confronts the local union boss of the NFCW when it is discovered the picketers aren’t union members (See Big Labor Hypocrisy Scrutinized by the Daily Show).

These two videos, depicting the union’s “do as I say, not as I do” mentality, are not as disturbing, however, as another video on the big govermnet.com website which is gathering little attention. This video, captioned as “C. J.Hawking,” is an attempted interview with Methodist clergy person C. J .Hawking, who is leading the picketers protesting Breitbart and Beck (See Andrew Breitbart Confronts Hateful Protesters at Right Nation 2010 and Rev. C.J. Hawking at Right Nation 2010).

Underneath the caption it reads “Who is C.J. Hawking?” The Devil at My Doorstep answers that question twice! She was once caught in an incredible lie during a meeting between EMS and eight clergy who were demanding EMS sign a neutrality agreement. Another situation with Rev. Hawking took place days after the SEIU notified EMS of a strike by 10 out of its approximately 400 employees in the Indianapolis area. Rev. Hawkins then received a check from the SEIU for $ 27,000. Coincidence? Unholy Alliance? You decide!

It is time for the American media to wake up, read The Devil at My Doorstep and  understand the threat the SEIU, through its relationship with President Obama, poses to our cherished freedoms! See President Obama avow his support for the SEIU at Attention Townspeople: This Awesomeness is Provided to You Courtesy of Governor Jan Brewer.


Filed under Devil At My Doorstep Book

11 responses to “Unholy Alliance?

  1. Pingback: » The Devil At Breitbart’s Doorstep - Big Government

  2. Pingback: The Devil At Breitbart’s Doorstep « South Capitol Street

  3. Pingback: The Devil At Breitbart’s Doorstep | Conservatives for America

  4. Matt L. Graf

    I was at the right nation 2010 where that happened and those protesters had no idea what they were protesting for. Breitbart really did a great job of showing that.

    Read about it here: http://libertariangraffiti.wordpress.com/2010/09/19/right-nation-2010/

  5. DEF

    Chants have been implemented throughout history as a tool/ritual to drown out opposition, most commonly exercised in Satanic ritual and/or false religions, which is the same!!!! Each human dwells within ONE body, chanting can unite those bodies into one chorus making them a band, if the (Banded together) united (Former) individuals are vocal enough and/or vast enough, they will be a formidable foe, dictating their theology imposed upon others!!!!!!! Human conquest is always the objective, they seek to be the one who can wear the Crown over other humans, force them to obey the laws/rules they impose over them!!!!! Governing them as their god!!!!

  6. I don’t get unions, I never have. My entire life I have seen unions and their members as nothing more than organized thuggery. They can’t strike here in Texas because businesses just shut down the plant, or fire all union members and hire regular guys who don’t want to be paid for forty hours when they only work 10. They don’t want outrageous benefits, etc.

    Right to work works for the betterment of everyone involved. All unions tell me is that the person couldn’t get a real job, used cronies to get a position somewhere and now stands screaming for his pay check.

  7. Another great blog!

    Gunny G
    aka: Dick G


    Semper Fidelis

  8. Pingback: House of Eratosthenes

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  11. Pingback: Book: Extent of Obama Admin-SEIU Relationship Revealed yet Again, along with Communism at the Highest Levels of U.S. Gov.! « What's Right News Blog

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