Same Old SEIU

Times have changed, but the SEIU’s motives, and the means and tactics used to accomplish these motives — as documented in The Devil at Our Doorstep — remain the same. The SEIU’s ultimate goal is to achieve its agenda of destroying America’s Free Enterprise system and replacing it with socialism/communism. As seen in recent actions across the country, it is apparent the SEIU is still intent on fundamentally changing America, as is its cohort in the White House, President Obama (see Communism at the Highest Levels). The President continues to create a welfare state and to attempt to overwhelm the American economy. In his State of the Union Address, Obama’s Middle-Class Pitch made it very clear, his agenda is to continue to pit Americans against each other (see Overwhelming the System). Together, the President and the SEIU are intent on collapsing the American system. They fervently believe that their combined O-Cloward-Piven Strategy Is Working, and that such strategy is what is best for America and the rest of the world.


While the President continues to foment racial divide through DOL investigations in Ferguson and New York the SEIU’s Insidious Tentacles are involved behind the scenes in fostering these unrests so Eric Holder and the President, with the assistance of Al Sharpton, can paint America as a racist country. The stories below found in Phil Wilson’s LRI Publication reveal tactics employed behind the scenes by the SEIU to facilitate the administration’s agenda of Divide and Conquer.


First, with respect to New York: Robert Murray, a top 32BJ SEIU organizer earning a six-figure salary, has been charged with two felony counts and three misdemeanors, including resisting arrest, inciting to riot, and obstruction of governmental administration, for his participation in the December 13 assault of two NYPD police officers on the Brooklyn Bridge.

A week after the incident, Murray turned himself into the police. The union has reportedly put Murray on unpaid leave until the matter is settled. Elaine Kim, a spokesperson for the 32BJ SEIU, said “The union did not organize any official contingent to participate in the protests.”

While that may be true, it is also true that the SEIU has a history of organizing protests without “officially” putting their name on it. Additionally, Mayor Bill de Blasio met with the group behind last month’s New York City protests. Guess where the meeting was held? 1199 SEIU headquarters.


Second, the SEIU Has Dirty Hands in Ferguson: President Obama is utilizing the tried and true labor boss tactic of misdirection to take Americans’ “eyes off the ball” regarding his Amnesty Order and, instead, has been directing attention to the recent events in Ferguson and New York City, as witnessed in a recent interview on BET where he said Racism is “Deeply Rooted” in U.S. Society.
The eruption of violence following the Michael Brown decision in Missouri and the Eric Garner decision in New York were blamed by the media on “outside agitators,” people who descended on the scene to generate unrest, and publicity. But just who were these hoodlums? According to Bill O’Reilly, the SEIU was front and center in the escapade.


Knowing that the connections would be made sooner or later, SEIU is attempting to jump on the bandwagon calling for “racial justice” in relation to the two incidents. Not surprisingly, many of the “Black Lives Matter” protestors have also been actively protesting for the Fight for $15 movement, another protest project spearheaded by SEIU behind the scenes. Perhaps SEIU should be responsible to pay the bills for all of the property destroyed in the SEIU-fomented unrest and violence.


Third, the President’s home state is providing payback and funds for the SEIU to basically nullify the freedom provided to home health care workers not to pay union dues by the U.S. Supreme Court:
After the Supreme Court’s Harris v. Quinn decision in October, the state of Illinois enacted a policy requiring home-based caregivers to attend “training sessions” led by SEIU. The state is using taxpayer money to pay the union as much as $2 million to conduct these meetings – most of which are spent with SEIU officials “telling caregivers they will lose all benefits, including health insurance and the Medicaid stipend that helps them care for their loved ones, should they opt out of paying union dues.” Illinois Policy Institute has responded by sending staff members to wait outside most of these meetings in order to inform caregivers that what SEIU is telling them is not the truth. SEIU, of course, complained to the state about Illinois Policy’s presence, creating some situations where staff members have been threatened with arrest.


Fourth, with respect to the President’s Amnesty program, as chronicled in DREAM Act, the Truth behind the Nightmare, the SEIU is being provided another payback in the form of potential future forced unionized workers as well as the opportunity to further create racial divide by giving them access to undocumented workers granted amnesty — The SEIU is taking advantage of President Obama’s recent executive order to give working visas to some 4 million immigrants. Their hope is that some of these people who have been too afraid to sign up in the past won’t be now.


There is no doubt the President and the SEIU are determined to fundamentally change the greatest country in the history of the world to impose their own view. America has provided more opportunity and increased the quality of life for more people, regardless of their background, than any country in history. Despite this, the President and the “same old” SEIU still believe they know best and are determined to destroy the American Free Enterprise system and impose socialism or communism (see SEIU Drops Mask, Goes Full Commie) upon this great country. The true agenda is control of the American people.


Filed under Devil At My Doorstep Book

7 responses to “Same Old SEIU

  1. silverpalm

    Thanks for a great summary that documents the foolishness of the SEIU and those who support its corruption. I hope you send this to the GOP in House and Senate. Bill Skinner, Lake Worth, FL

  2. Seiu and labor unions are like an octopus. We need to join David’s fight to chop the Octopus bit by bit

    Their only strength is their monopoly of contact info (addresses/phone #). Exposing their finance is another way to rebuilt their own members.

  3. Pingback: Same Old SEIU - Center on National Labor Policy, Inc

  4. Pingback: Wake-Up and Connect the Dots… Obama Wants Us to Sign a Neutrality Agreement! | The Devil At Our Doorstep's Blog

  5. Pingback: Right to Work: Obama Wants Us to Sign a Neutrality Agreement! | Freedom Writers

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